Each level in Lego Star Wars loosely follows the various sequences from the Star Wars prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, with game play segments linked together by various cutscenes. There is no spoken dialogue; rather, the characters act out their parts using gestures and pantomime. The game begins with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn aboard the Trade Federation ship, and ends with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi's duel on Mustafar. Scenes that did not become levels were "The Duel on Tatooine" and "Anakin's flight" from Episode I, "Bounty Hunter Pursuit", "Tusken Slaughter", and "Asteroid Field Chase" from Episode II, and "Boga Chase" and "Darth Sidous and Mace Windu duel" from Episode III.
Bonus level
In each of the 17 levels in Episodes I-III, if a player collects a certain number of Lego studs in one attempt of the level, they will obtain a piece of a super kit, a model of the Tantive IV blockade runner. The studs can be collected in story mode or free play mode. After all 17 kit pieces are collected, a fourth door, marked by a question mark, unlocks in the main room of Dexter's Diner. This room contains the bonus level, a short prelude into Episode IV: A New Hope. This level is available for both story and free play modes, however there are no mini-kit pieces to collect, no Lego stud meter and no areas that can only be reached in free play mode.
In the bonus level, the player plays as Darth Vader and an Imperial Stormtrooper who later meet up with C-3PO upon entering the Tantive IV blockade runner. In the level, the player encounters a few Rebel soldiers, and is capable of collecting over 100,000 Lego studs. The level ends upon finding Princess Leia and R2-D2. The message "To be continued..." follows completion. This is different than the Lego Star Wars II Episode IV opening level, as you play as Leia and Captain Antilles in the sequel.
LEGO Star Wars : Levels
Author: admin
| Posted at: 7:40 AM |
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